Here are a few of the ways you can serve at LSCA right now:
1. Volunteer at a Service Day;
2. Arrange for you or a group of you and your friends to come out and do a special project… just call the office for such arrangements.
Weed removal & pruning of bushes
Cleaning windows of all buildings
Clean walls in Eagle Lodge
Powerwash Annexes & Shelters & Docks
leaf removal
Projects that need funded (can be done by volunteers):
new Roof of Steel Tent
Plant Trees
Playground deck replacement
Projects that need funded (need to be done by professionals):
Replace siding on Bridgeview Dorm
Fix Concrete / sidewalk issues on east Exterior of main building
2024 Fall Service Day: Saturdays, November 23rd. Cinnamon rolls and coffee will be served at 800 am, we’ll divide and conquer a list of projects around the camp, lunch will be provided around noon.
Volunteer Summer Kitchen Help – this is arranged through our governing churches. Please contact the camp representative at your church if you are interested in participating in this. (This is not the same program as Service team for campers – please see the registration page for that).
Summer Camp Faculty – Please download the faculty guidelines provided by dean. If you are under 18 and have been “recruited” by a dean to help at camp, the office must have a completed “Counselor Questionnaire” on file before the session starts. Please receive this document from the Dean. It must be completed on both sides and signed by a parent / guardian. You will also need to fill out the online questionnaire for background checks. We will not run one, but this will allow us to send a link to you for the abuse prevention training. If you are an adult, the dean will provide a link to you to fill out the application/background check online. You will also receive a link for an online course on abuse prevention that must be completed. Thank you for helping us make this a safe place for the campers. ALL FACULTY must fill out the online questionnaire for the background check AND complete the abuse prevention training. This training does cover very intense subject matter. If you do not feel you can complete the training, than we will be unable to allow you to be faculty.
First Aid Providers – If you are a medical professional (RN, CNA, EMT, DR, etc.) and would like to provide first aid service to our campers for a week of camp, we would love your help. Please call Kerma in the office at 217-529-2625.