Tips For Parents

Getting ready for camp. Sometimes it is hard to know how you can be involved in your child’s summer camp experience since you aren’t with him/her at camp. Of course, you help with the obvious things like packing and taking them to camp, but you may not be sure what else you can do. To help you out, listed below are a few other things you can do to help your child get the most from his/her camp experience. Doing these things will help you get your camper prepared for camp and keep you involved in the process. If there is anything that the camp can do to assist you, please don’t hesitate to let us know! We are looking forward to having your child with us for this exciting time in his/her life. See you soon!

“My child is nervous about coming to camp…”If your child has never been to camp before, have him/her ask a friend to come along to make them feel more secure. Also, feel free to contact the camp for a tour so your child can see the camp and become familiar with where he/she will be staying. If you have any questions about the sessions of camp, please do not hesitate to contact the camp.

Talk About Money. To include your child in paying for camp, you can give him/her extra jobs to do around the house to earn money. Talk to your child about the money that he/she will be given to take to camp for missionary offering. The Camp Store also sells T-Shirts, hats, etc. They can be purchased at check in. Your child will also have an opportunity to give to the missionary offering on a daily basis, but many campers choose to contribute their entire designated amount on the first day so they don’t have to worry about losing it or spending it at the Camp Store. Preparing for the missionary offering is a great time to talk with your child about giving money to God for His Kingdom.

Pack Together. We recommend involving your child in the packing so they know what is in the suitcase. We do not recommend buying new clothes for camp since your child may get them dirty or lose some things. Put a plastic bag in your child’s suitcase and ask him/her to put dirty clothes in it. General packing lists are listed separately on the website. If the Dean of your child’s week of camp wants him/her to bring anything additional, they will let you know.

Taking Medicine to Camp. If you send medicines with your child to camp, do not place them in his/her suitcase. All medicines (prescription AND over-the-counter) must be given to the first aid provider in their original containers with instructions at registration time. If your child has an inhaler, they can keep it with them if they keep it with them at school during the school year. Make sure you pick up your child’s medicine at check-out time to take home with you. The first aid person will “check out” each camper as their car leaves the property. At this time, the campers will receive their camp photo and any medicines.

Talk to Your Child About Pictures. Your camper will be given a group picture at no cost. You may want to send a camera with your camper so he/she can capture memories on film and bring them home. Disposable cameras are an inexpensive way to equip your child with picture-power. Place your child’s name on his/her camera to ensure it doesn’t get mixed up with anyone else’s. Also write the camper’s session on the camera.

Bring Your Child to Camp. After one last check, load up the suitcase, bedding if they will spend the night, your camper, and head to the camp! You can find directions to the camp in the brochure or on our web site, Registration times are at 3:00 for most camps and 8:30 am for day camps.   There might be some deviation from this, but your confirmation letter will tell you. This information and when to pick up your camper will be included in the confirmation that LSCA will send to you upon receiving your camper’s registration.

Homesickness. The camp’s policy is that campers are not allowed to use the phone, except in an emergency. Please do not suggest to your child that he/she can call home if homesick. In fact, it is usually better to not focus on homesickness in your discussions before camp. If a child becomes homesick, the faculty will work with the child to help them work through their homesickness. If you have a special situation that would require your child to call home during the week, please speak with the camp management and/or dean at registration. CELL PHONES ARE NOT TO BE BROUGHT TO CAMP. THEY WILL BE CONFISCATED UNTIL CAMP ENDS AND THEN RETURNED. We have found that cell phones become a distraction for the campers. It is not our desire to prevent you from talking to your camper. If you call camp, we will make every effort to locate your camper promptly.

Write to Your Camper. Campers love to get mail! Ask family and friends to write to your child while they are at camp. There are 2 ways to get mail to your camper. Send a letter through the mail (include the camper’s name and session of camp), or leave a note on registration day.  Please keep in mind that some campers do not get any mail, and an excess of mail does take a lot of time to deliver.

Pray. There is something very powerful that you can do for your child while he/she is at camp: pray! Pray for your child’s spiritual development and health while they are away. Also, pray for the camp staff and faculty.

Pick Your Child Up from Camp. Be prompt for pick up time. The times that each session of camp end will be sent to you in the confirmation letter that you will receive once LSCA receives your camper’s registration. For older campers, attending a full week of camp, if any campers made decisions to be baptized at camp, your child may want to attend the baptism at the pool, which will happen around after the closing program or during it. While you will be eager to get your child home and talk with him/her, we encourage you to allow your child the extra time to support his/her fellow camper in this important decision by being present at the baptism. If your camper desires to be baptized, you will be contacted in advance for your permission and so that you could invite other people. Remember to check the tables in the front of the Dining Hall for lost and found items before you leave.

Welcome Your Camper Home. Be prepared for your camper to be tired and a little grumpy when you pick him/her up. Going home is a sudden change of pace. They are leaving behind new friends. Don’t be offended if your child isn’t as happy to see you as you are to see him/her. Your child will appreciate extra time to rest and be excused from chores during the first day or two at home. When your child is ready to talk about the camp experience, listen closely and don’t probe too much. Ask open-ended questions to encourage your child to share (e.g. Tell us about your favorite activity at camp, Who was your favorite person at camp, etc).

Decision Making. If your camper expresses a desire to be baptized while at camp, a faculty member will call you to discuss the decision. Some children may decide they want to be baptized, but wait until they get home to talk with someone about it. Don’t push your child about any decision he/she might have made. You can ask questions like, “What did you think about the speakers and messages?” It is not uncommon for parents to find out about their child’s decision from someone other than their child.

What should I do when my child comes home? Whether your camper made a decision at camp or not, they need to continue a growing process once he/she comes home. We encourage you to pray for and with your child. Help them find devotional material and teach them how to study the Bible so they can have a daily quiet time with God. You could take them to the Bible book store and let them pick out a devotional book and/or Bible appropriate for his/her age group. If your camper isn’t already connected with a local church, take this opportunity to find a church the whole family can attend. There is a list of supporting area churches on our website. If there is any way that LSCA can help you, please let us know.

Guidelines at Lake Springfield Christian Assembly. We do not wish to burden you with excessive rules, but it is necessary that there is a common understanding of a few principles that guide LSCA.
Please observe the following:

  • The Dean’s schedule will prevail.
  • Campers are not allowed on the lake or any other OFF LIMITS area of the camp without proper adult supervision.
  • NO ONE active in camp activities (camper or faculty) will be allowed to leave the grounds without permission from the Dean.
  • The use of tobacco, alcohol, or any controlled substance is forbidden on the camp grounds. NO EXCEPTIONS! Visitors must adhere to this as well.
  • No pets, IPods, hand held games, cell phones or other electronic devices are allowed during your week of camp. Camp is a place to get away from the influences of the world and to set our minds and hearts on God and His Word.
  • Sickness or injury must be reported to the Camp First Aid Staff, regardless of how small it may be.
  • NO SNACKS of any kind are to be taken into the dorms or they will be confiscated.
  • Campers / faculty shall not ride on any camp equipment, vehicles, mowers, etc.
  • Shirts and shoes are to be worn at all times while on the camp grounds, except pool area.
  • No one shall leave the dorms at night except for emergencies. A faculty member should accompany a camper if they have to leave.
  • Writing on or defacing camp buildings will not be allowed. Campers or parents will be held financially responsible for any vandalism.
  • Clothing: LSCA is different from camps not planned as Christian gatherings. Please attempt to be modest in your dress. NO 2-piece swimsuits w/out a cover-up shirt. Camp staff reserves the right to ask any camper to change an article of clothing that does not reflect Christian standards. NO shirts with beer logos, please.

Visitor Policy. In general, personal visits are discouraged during the week of camp unless there is a special program or an emergency. Sometimes such visits actually cause more homesickness for the camper that is already struggling with being homesick.  The guidelines for family/parental visits are as follows:

  • All visitors must check in at the main office and with the Dean. Please do not be offended if a camp staff or volunteer approaches you and kindly directs you to the office to check in.  Your camper’s safety is our first priority.
  • In the event of a baptism the Dean will contact the parents of the camper. Family and friends are welcome and encouraged to come and witness the baptism.
  • All visitors are required to leave the campgrounds before campfire or 1/2 hour before “lights out” whichever comes first.

If the Dean schedules a closing program to end the session, the times are in your confirmation letter. Parents are welcome for such programs. Questions? Call the Camp Office at 217-529-2625.