Traditional Onsite Summer Camp

Traditional onsite camp started at LSCA in 1939.

These camps get longer as the campers get older.  They include:1st Chance, Trailblazers, Camp 56, Junior High, Niners, High School Camp, and All Church Camp.  Each of these camps is designed for your  camper to learn and grow and thrive!

With the exception of 1st Chance camp and Camp 56, which will begin at 9am on start day, the rest of these camps will begin with a 3pm check in on their start day.  All of these camps will end at 4pm on their last day.  Campers will be assigned a dorm/bunk room and check in time (these times are staggered).  There is an opportunity during registration to request 2 other campers for your camper to share a bunk room. We will provide room assignment prior to beginning of camp. Traditional overnight campers will stay in air-conditioned dorms.  The boys typically stay in Eagle Lodge and the girls stay in Bridgeview Dorm.   All of these camps will end at 4pm on their last day.  At 4pm, there might be a short closing program and baptisms, etc.

In addition to delicious, from scratch meals every day, campers will also have multiple snack times, called Canteen.  A Canteen Card is a pre-paid punch card that will automatically be added to your account upon registration.  If a camper determines not to use all of the punches, any unused punched is considered a $1.25 donation to the summer camp resident missionary organization.  (LSCA does not keep any of this money). More about canteen and food service Here.


Some of the recreational activities (perhaps not available to all of the younger age groups) include:  swimming in the pool, going down the giant waterslide (large slip and slide), archery, canoeing, kayaking, paddle boards, playground, bubble ball, gaga ball, 9 square in the air and more!  There will be age appropriate worship and Bible lessons and small group times.  Also, each summer, LSCA selects a partner missionary organization.  Everyday, the campers will hear from a representative of that organization and have the opportunity to give to that organization or not use all of their “canteen punches” for a $1.25 each to go to the missionary organization.

Campers Attend Based on Their Grade in the Fall of 2024

1st Chance 2nd-4th Grade:  June 24-25

Trailblazers 3rd-5th Grade: June 30- July 3

Camp 56 5th-6th Grade: July 8-12

Junior High 7th-8th Grade:  July 14-19

Niners 9th Grade: June 16-21

High School 10th Grade – Just Graduated:  June 9-14

All Church Camp All Ages: June 28-29

Please note:  you can only register campers for whom you are the legal guardian.  Campers must be listed in the account of their legal guardian.  Thank you for helping us with this.