Thank you for considering giving a gift to Lake Springfield Christian Assembly. We appreciate your generosity. Below is our “Wish List” as well as instructions for monetary gifts. Thanks again for blessing this ministry!
Monetary Gifts
One way you can do something of lasting value is to remember Lake Springfield Christian Assembly as it carries on the mission and passion of making a difference in young lives for Jesus Christ. If you’d like to set up a monthly donation click the button below, type the amount you’d like to sponsor, and select recurring donation to set up ongoing payments.
If you would like to mail a gift to LSCA, please make your check payable to “LSCA” and send to 1674 Lick Creek Lane, Chatham, Illinois 62629. If you have a preference on how your gift is allocated, please specify if it is for the General Fund, Camp Scholarships or Special Projects. For online gifts just choose which of the funds you would like to give to…a general donation to go to our general fund (normal operating expenses), or a donation to the scholarship fund that helps campers who need financial assistance, or Special Projects or GROW Campaign/Pool to assist in future upgrade of pool.
A number of individuals have shared with LSCA through honoring someone or memorials. We do give God the honor and glory for your thoughtfulness.
If you have an interest in blessing the camp through a stock transfer, just contact the camp office for details. Also, please remember that many employers will match their employee’s gifts to registered 501(c) 3 organizations. LSCA might qualify.
Wish List
Archery Tag ($3500)
Ski/Tubing Boat – $11,000 (Jet boat or pontoon boat)
Used golf cart (gas or electric, but gas preferred)