September 27-28 at LSCA



Dorms will open at 5p.m. on Friday, with dinner being served at 6p.m., followed by uplifting worship, teachings, discussions, and reflections until 3p.m. on Saturday! There will also be optional sunrise canoeing (pack accordingly)! Whether you are looking for relaxation, renewal, a rekindled fire for Jesus, or a newfound hope – we pray you will come out and join us for this wonderful women’s retreat.
We will also have plenty of opportunities to connect with each other and deepen our community of faith.  Be a part of this great retreat and leave refreshed and encouraged by the knowledge that you worship THE ever-lasting God!


Tentative Schedule:

Women’s Retreat Tentative Schedule
Friday What Where
5-6pm Arrive and Get settled in Rooms Eagle Lodge
6pm Dinner Dining Hall
7pm Get Started Chapel
Session 1: Yesterday, Today, & Forever
9pm Hang Out Time Steel  Tent
Camp Fire
11 pm Back to Dorm Eagle Lodge
Grab and Go Coffee and Snack Dining Hall
Choose your Adventure Canoes
Nature Walk
Prayer Time
9am Worship Chapel
Session 2:  Yesterday, Today and Forever
11am Brunch Dining Room
Free Time
1pm Panel Discussion Chapel
Session 3:  Yesterday, today, and forever
3pm Wrap up, Say Goodbye